Thursday, 17 July 2008

How to Measure Website Engagement

Engagement Calculation (Ci + Ri + Di + Li + Bi + Fi + Ii)

The calculation relies on 7 metrics, each one an index that represents an engagement factor. They all depend on the variable “n” - you set for each variable to make the calculation relevant to your business.

  1. Ci: Click Depth Index = % of sessions a visitor clicks deeply into your website.
    # sessions more than “n” page views / total sessions by the user
  2. Ri: Recency Index = % of sessions that a visitor returns in a set time.
    # sessions more than “n” page views that occurred in the past “n” weeks / total sessions by the user
  3. Di: Duration Index = # visitor’s sessions that exceed a set time.
    # sessions longer than “n” minutes / total by the user.
  4. Li: Loyalty Index = 1 if the user has come to the site more than “n” times during past "n" weeks (otherwise scored as 0).
  5. Bi: Brand Index = % sessions a visitor arrives as the result of a branded action.
    # sessions that have no referring URL or are initiated by an external search for a branded term / total sessions by the user.
  6. Fi: Feedback Index = % sessions that a visitor provides feedback.
    # sessions where the visitor gave direct feedback /total sessions by the user.
  7. Ii: Interaction Index = % sessions that a visitor completes a “mini-conversion”
    # sessions where a user completed one of any specific tracked events / total # sessions by the user.
Engagement score % = (Ci + Ri + Di + Li + Bi + Fi + Ii) / 7 x 100.

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