Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Having trouble viewing this message?

Thanks to preview panes, image-blocking and Outlook's Autopreview, the first /only line readers see in an email could be the negative statement: "Having trouble viewing this message? Click here".

Email labs, suggest you "Put more value in your top line" and use this most valuable real estate to give a better incentive for the reader to scroll into the email or click to the Web version. They suggest you rewrite your top line each time so that it reiterates your value proposition or specifies the benefit in the message:

Offer-oriented message: "(Customer name), if you are unable to properly view your email to receive free shipping on your order, view the online version (URL) or enter promotional code ABCD1234 through August 27th to receive your special savings."

Newsletter: "Scroll down to read why open rates don't really matter, or click to see it on our Web site (URL)."

It adds a minute of work each time you create a message, but it it's a very good idea!

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